LENGTH OF TOUR: 1 – 2 hours


Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, Korean War Memorial, Reflecting Pool and WWII Memorial.

Our walking tour of the Lincoln Memorial takes you to one of America’s most iconic destinations. This monument to the 16th President of the United States is so much more than just a simple statue. You will learn the symbolism and often overlooked details of this massive structure and we will discuss it’s role as a backdrop to many important protests and demonstrations in American history – including the 1963 March on Washington, where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech.

After taking a million pictures of ole Honest Abe, we will visit two powerful war memorials right beside Lincoln Memorial. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall is one of the most compelling places in Washington DC. You will learn about the extensive history of this memorial to over 58,000 Americans that died in the Vietnam War. We will also visit the crowd favorite Korean War Memorial. This memorial is packed with fascinating hidden details and is one of the most photographed locations in the city.

Following our visit at the Lincoln Memorial and these two war memorials, we will stroll along the well-known Reflecting Pool. This picturesque water is incredibly beautiful both at night and during the day. However, we ask that you only take photos of the Reflecting Pool and to not dive in to recreate the famous Forrest Gump scene when Jenny jumps in the water!

But wait, there’s more…

At the other end of the Reflecting Pool is the World War II Memorial. The impressive WWII Memorial honors the contributions of each US state and territory that helped win WWII. At the center of this memorial sits a massive fountain, which looks particularly magnificent at night.

In order to see these four memorials (Lincoln, Vietnam, Korea and WWII), this tour will take between 1 and 2 hours. However, if you’d like to see a few additional sites that are nearby – such as the Einstein Memorial, the DC War Memorial (WWI), the Signers of the Declaration of Independence Memorial, or even sneak a peak of the White House, we can arrange for some additional tour time. Our Lincoln Memorial Tour is also near the Tidal Basin, and can be combined with our Cherry Blossom Tour.

The best part about this tour is that it is perfect for any time of the day. These iconic memorials look spectacular while the sun is rising or setting, in the middle of the day, and while they are lit up at night. This tour is a great tour for any age range or people with mobility impairments. This tour is also close to ample street parking stretches and is accessible via public transportation (The DC Circulator), making this short and sweet Lincoln Memorial Tour our most affordable option.

“…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

– Abraham Lincoln, 1863 Gettysburg Address
Lincoln Memorial just before dusk
Categories: Tours